What is the distinction between science and technology?


Science is the systematic exploration of new information through observation and experiments, focusing on ethical data collection procedures. In Science, the aim is attained by a scientific method. It is a never-ending knowledge discovery process, and it’s always beneficial. As we can see, Science is always concerned with comprehending natural events. The findings of scientific investigations contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and discovery.

Some examples of branches of Science were Biology, Chemistry, Physics, mathematics, geology, human behavior, etc.


Technology is the process of putting scientific knowledge into practice for various reasons. It concentrates on the ethical implications of taking action. In technology, the aim is attained by a scientific procedure. It’s a never-ending process of putting knowledge into practice, and it has the potential to be beneficial or detrimental. If we look at technology, we can observe that it is always focused on comprehending the created environment. Technological design improves society’s living level by making human existence more comfortable.

Science’s Contribution to Technology

Let us now consider how Science has influenced Technology.

As a direct source of new technological concepts, Science
For example, medical instrument development, nuclear technology, radar systems, etc.

Engineering as a result of Science

Most of the technical information employed in the development and design of tools and processes is the result of ‘engineering science.’

Engineering is a branch of science that deals with the

Science has also aided in the growth of human abilities, which is one of Science’s most important contributions.

Technology’s Contribution to Science

Consider the following points to comprehend the role of technology in Science better:

As a source of scientific challenges, technology

Technology advancements pave the path for scientific research and development. One of them, for example, is space science. Indirectly, technological advancement stimulates basic research in the realm of Science.

Techniques for instrumentation and measuring

Scientists were able to measure the distance between the sun and the earth, the intensity of the sun’s rays, the rotation of celestial bodies, human internal issues, the life of a bridge, and other things thanks to the development of modern devices.